Manijeh Badiozamani
Manijeh Badiozamani is a literary non-fiction writer. She writes mostly about her experiences growing up in Tehran, Iran, where she was born. Her short stories and articles have been published in magazines, anthologies and on the Web. She is a retired professor of English, and is currently working on a collection of short stories: "Family Tales from Tehran", and a non-fiction, "A Year in Middle America, Letters to My Parents." She lives in Colorado. |
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Mark Berkery
Mark was born to itinerant Irish parents which set the scene for a restless life. Like the Gypsy, he couldn´t accept the moribund values of a soulless society, what passed for important or posed as spiritual. The resulting roller-coaster of experience and inner conflict eventually gave way to a love of the simple sense of nature that he now lives - the best he can - as a form of meditation. He expresses his ongoing exploration of nature´s spiritual value through his writing and pictures at www.beingmark.com |
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Susan P. Blevins
Susan P. Blevins, an ex-pat Brit, has traveled the world extensively, lived in Italy for 26 years, and has now settled in Houston, Texas, where she is enjoying writing stories and poems based on her travels and adventures. She had a weekly column on food in a European newspaper and has published various articles on gardens in US and European magazines. She is passionate about classical music, gardening, cats, reading and of course, writing. |
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Christine Catalano
Christine likes to take photographs and play with them on the computer. She dedicates her work to her muse and longtime friend, who passed away recently. |
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Carol Dandrade
Carol became interested in photography in retirement and is primarily self-taught. Viewing life through a lens has allowed her to see light, people, places and objects with fresh eyes. She is especially drawn to capture waterscapes and foggy landscapes. Her photos have been displayed and awarded in local art shows and published in Mused Review, New England Wildflower Magazine, 3 Blackstone River Valley Corridor calendars, and several newspapers. Carol´s website CarolDandradePhoto.smugmug.com
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Lee Evans
Lee Evans lives in Bath, Maine, where he works for the local YMCA. His poems have appeared in such journals as Four and Twenty, Poetry Porch, The Christendom Review and Anon. He has produced eight poetry collections, which are available on Lulu.com. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/garfy1 |
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Bob Evans
A late-comer to art photography, Bob spent his early career working in engineering. He finds that creating something from nothing gives a tremendous rush. Bob strongly believes in taking the subject ‘as-is’ - no posing, no moving of the subject matter. It is capturing the essential essence of the subject matter that is vital to him. As well as photography, Bob is also a keen sculptor and abstract painter. Visit ArckArts.com or follow on FaceBook. |
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Lindsay Flanagan
Lindsay Flanagan is a writer, editor, and photographer. Lindsay received her Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing with a fiction concentration and her Bachelor of Arts in English and Literature. She and her husband share two beautiful daughters and make their home in the mountains of Utah. She´s a Ravenclaw, nerd, bookworm, and concert junkie. She blogs about books and concerts--and being a fangirling mom--at https://momsarefangirlstoo.wordpress.com. |
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Angela Williams Glenn
Angela Glenn has spent thirteen years as an English teacher. She loves writing and writes often about parenting and motherhood on her website Stepping into Motherhood. Two of her stories are published with Chicken Soup for the Soul. Her book; Moms, Monsters, Media, & Margaritas, examines the perceptions and expectations of the 21st Century mother. She lives with her husband, two daughters, and son and enjoys just trying to make the most of everyday. Follow her at Stepping into Motherhood. |
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E. Margareta Griffith
E. Margareta Griffith writes short stories, novellas, novels, and poetry. Her poetry has appeared on-line at the Plum Tree Tavern and is available as a free weekly email via Dragonflies and Dandelions (https://tinyletter.com/EMargaretaGriffith) She is a member of the Society of Southwestern Authors and a former member of the Florida Writers Association and the Tampa Writers Alliance. Her writing draws on her experiences as a mother, Girl Scout leader, teacher, and caretaker of various pets. |
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Deborah Guzzi
Deborah Guzzi is a healing facilitator. She writes for Massage and Aromatherapy Magazines. She travels to expand her knowledge of healing and to seek writing inspiration. She has walked the Great Wall of China, seen Nepal (during the civil war), Japan, Egypt (just before ‘Arab Spring’), Peru, and France during December’s terrorist attacks. Her poetry is published in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, China,and Greece. Her new book The Hurricane is available now through Prolific Press & Amazon. |
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Ateret Haselkorn
Ateret Haselkorn writes fiction and poetry. She is the winner of 2014 Annual Palo Alto Weekly Short Story Contest (adult contestants). Her poetry has been published in Page & Spine and is forthcoming in Medical Encounter. She is a member of the Alabama Street Writer’s Group of San Francisco. Twitter: [at]HealthyHalo1. |
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Anna Hiss
Sandy Benitez is the founder and editor of Flutter Press and Red Poppy Review. She´s been nominated for the Pushcart Prize (2010), Dzanc´s Best of the Web (2010), and Best of the Net (2006). Most recently, Sandy´s poems have appeared in Symmetry Pebbles and Subliminal Interiors. She resides in California with her husband and their 2 children. Sandy maintains her own personal blog at http://www.sandybenitez.blogspot.com.
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Erren Geraud Kelly
erren geraud kelly´s work have been featured in over 150 publications in print and online in such literary journals as the evanston review, convergence, rain party and disaster society, black heart literary magazine and others. kelly is the author of the "disturbing the peace," from night ballet press and "watching the detective," forthcoming from etched press. erren recieved his b.a. in englsh--creative writing from louisiana state university in baton rouge. he lives in l.a. |
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Eva Kendrick
Eva Kendrick is a 4th generation artist. Because her dad is both an art conservator, and an artist she has been around all kinds of art from a very young age. Eva´s style is a mix of impressionism and expressionism. Also to create her work she has invented a collage process uniquely her own. Eva Kendrick´s art can be found in the online art gallery, Saatchi Art. http://www.saatchiart.com/account/artworks/768768 |
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Kim Kenney
Kim Kenney is a professional writer and curator. Her hobbies include cooking, gardening, practicing yoga, cross stitching, going to car shows and dabbling in photography. Kim´s fiction, non-fiction and photography have appeared in past issues of Mused. She is the Museums Editor at BellaOnline. |
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Martha Landman
South African born Martha Landman now lives and writes in South Australia. She likes to write about both her home of birth and home of the heart. Her work has appeared in various online journals and in anthologies. |
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Bernadine Lortis
When Bernadine isn´t writing these days, she´s catching up on reading, gardening or dabbling in watercolor. Since she began submitting in June, 2016, creative nonfiction and poetry have been published in Stirring:A Literary Collection, Mused, Silver Birch Press, The Afterlife of Discarded Objects, and Mothers Always Write. Another poem has been accepted for future publication in Silver Birch Press. She finds inspiration all about her, writes and lives in St. Paul, MN, with her husband. |
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Marylou Mansfield
Marylou Mansfield is a full time resident of Cape Cod. She currently shares in two writing groups located in Orleans, Ma, Dune Hollow Writers, and COA Writers. Marylou contributed to the e-book anthology, SHADOW & LIGHT, published by Provincetown Public Press in 2013, compiled by the Women of Dune Hollow Writers. She has read pieces from the anthology in Provincetown and Chatham. Marylou has enjoyed reading her poetry on Senior View, a program highlighted on HCAM-TV in Hopkinton Ma. |
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Mark J. Mitchell
Mark J. Mitchell studied writing at UC Santa Cruz under Raymond Carver, George Hitchcock. His work has appeared in the anthologies Good Poems, American Places, Hunger Enough, Retail Woes and Line Drives. His chapbook, Three Visitors has been published by Negative Capability. Artifacts and Relics, another chapbook, is forthcoming from Folded Word and his novel, Knight Prisoner, will be published in the coming months. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, the filmmaker Joan Juster. |
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Suchoon Mo
Suchoon Mo is a retired academic living in the semiarid part of Colorado. His poems and music compositions appeared in a number of publications. His chap book, Frog Mantra, has been published by Accents Publishing of Lexington, Kentucky. His most recent poems appeared in Aji Magazine. |
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Debasish Parashar
Listed amongst top 100 online #worldheritagesites story writers globally in May 2016 by Agilience Authority Index.Featured in Visual Verse,Tuck Magazine,Indiana Voice Journal(upcoming October,2016 issue),MuseIndia,Indian Periodical,Swarajya, Youthkiawaaz,Duane´s PoeTree,Thumb Print Magazine,Spillwords,Saddahaq,and many more.Included in two upcoming international anthologies namely ´Apple Fruits of an Old Oak´(New York) and ´Dandelion in a Vase of Roses´ (U.S.A).Follow MrDevParashar in twitter.
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Natalie Rowe
As a kid, Natalie Rowe wrote oodles of poetry, including a sappy ode to two amorous seagulls that was published in the local paper´s "Young Poets" section. Her father had it laminated. For years, she found it too painful to write poetry, but now she has returned to it with fervour. When not writing, Natalie makes art, keeps bees and lives on a farm with a multitude of rescue animals, where she often gets her best ideas while shovelling manure. Find her at www.beemeadowfarm.com or tweet Knatolee |
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Ksenia Rychtycka
Ksenia Rychtycka is a Detroit-area copy editor and creative writer. She loves to travel and has lived in Kyiv, Ukraine, and backpacked through much of Europe. Crossing The Border, her debut collection of short stories, was selected as a finalist in the 2013 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Her short stories and poems have appeared in The Dalhousie Review, The Literary Bohemian, Alaska Quarterly Review, and other journals. More information about her work can be found at kseniarychtycka.com. |
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Linda Leedy Schneider
Linda Leedy Schneider, winner of the 2012 Contemporary American Poetry Prize, is a political activist, poetry and writing mentor and psychotherapist in private practice. Linda facilitates workshops including The International Women´s Writing Guild´s Annual Summer Conference which will be held July 7-14, 2017 at Muhlenberg College, in Allentown, PA and The Manhattan Writing Workshop which she founded and has led since 2008. She has written six poetry collections.
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Bob See
Bob See has been actively interested in photography for many years. He enjoys taking images of wildlife and landscapes. Bob can be reached at his golfing site at http://enjoyma.com/golf/. |
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Georgia Seitz
Georgia Seitz,the tatting editor for BellaOnline.com, has been tatting over 34 years! It is both her pleasure and passion. She finds that it is both relaxation and stress management. An avid stamp collector also, she has studied several foreign languages and had the good fortune to be stationed overseas while working in the Army Security Agency. After returning to civilian life, she traveled and then lived in Alaska for 18 years. Her photos are cherished memories of AK. www.georgiseitz.com
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Lisa Shea
Born in Maryland, Lisa Shea has been contentedly nestled in the rolling hills and mossy forests of central Massachusetts since 1995. She is drawn to the ocean and cherishes quiet evenings as the orange glow of sunset glistens across wooden docks. Lisa relishes the challenge of conveying meaning and memorable characters in a measured bounding of time and space. Her stories, poems, and images celebrate natural beauty and serenity. Enjoy thousands of her photos at http://www.lisashea.com |
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Beate Sigriddaughter
Beate Sigriddaughter grew up in post-WWII Germany and moved to the United States in her teens. Five times a Pushcart Prize nominee and winner of four poetry prizes, she has published prose and poetry in many literary magazines and ezines. FutureCyclePress will publish her poetry collection "Xanthippe and Her Friends" in 2018. Please visit her website at www.sigriddaughter.com.
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Patty Somlo
Patty Somlo has received four Pushcart Prize nominations and one for storySouth’s Million Writers Award. She had an essay selected as Notable by Best American Essays 2014. Author of From Here to There and Other Stories, Somlo has three forthcoming books: a short story collection, The First to Disappear (Spuyten Duvyil), a memoir, Even When Trapped Behind Clouds (WiDo Publishing), and Hairway to Heaven Stories (Cherry Castle Publishing). www.pattysomlo.com. |
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Craig W. Steele
Craig W. Steele is a professor of biology at Edinboro University in northwestern Pennsylvania. In his quest to become a widely-published unknown poet, his poems have appeared in numerous anthologies, literary journals and magazines. Besides Mused the BellaOnline Literary Review, his poems have appeared most recently in The Lyric, Word Fountain, The Penwood Review and Muddy River Poetry Review, amongst others, and he continues to write poetry as “The Writer’s Poet” for Extra Innings, online. |
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F. S. Symons
F. S. Symons contributed the work Sidekick. |
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Rosanne Trost
Rosanne Trost, RN, MPH is a retired registered nurse residing in Houston, Texas. She spent most of her career in oncology nursing research. Since retirement, she has realized her passion for creative writing. |
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Candice M. Tucker
Candice is an alumnus of the University of Michigan for her Bachelor´s degree and Eastern Michigan University for her Master´s degree. For over a decade she has taught for University of Phoenix in general education and humanities, and for seventeen years she has instructed part time at Jackson College. She has taught for the Prison Education Initiative in the English and Communications departments for the past two years. She has been married for over 20 years and has 4 children. |
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Jody Zolli
Jody Zolli has enjoyed writing poetry since she was seven. Poetry runs in the family, though, as both her mother and grandmother wrote poetry, and had a knack for doggerel verse. Jody has enjoyed being a technical writer for thirty years, and feels it is the perfect marriage between creative writing and engineering. |
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Chani Zwibel
Chani Zwibel is a writer with a strong focus on poetry. She writes and tends a garden in Marietta, Georgia. |
Linda Barrett
Linda Barrett is a prolific poet, short story writer and an award winner of the Montgomery County Community College Writer´s Contest for four years running. She wrote her first work at eight years old and her second work at the age of 13. She contributes to the Compass, Mad Swirl, Idea Gems, and Night to Dawn magazine. Linda has lived in Abington, Pa. for 52 years in the same house on the same street. This is her fifth contribution to Mused magazine. |
| Tina Carpenter
Tina Carpenter submitted the work Powerful Prisoner. |
| Christie B. Cochrell
Christie B Cochrell submitted the work Enchantment. |
| Aneta Cruz
Aneta Cruz submitted the work To Earth. |
| Darked-
Darked- submitted the work Blue. |
| Linda DeFeudis
Linda DeFeudis submitted the work Mount Carmel Church. |
| David Edwards
David Edwards was born, and continues to live, in Muncie, Indiana. |
| Marsha Foss
Marsha Foss submitted the works Chinook Winds and Winter Voices. |
| Linda B. Gamble
Linda Gamble is a retired reading specialist. In the past she has published articles for professional educational journals, but since her retirement has given her creative muse a chance to grow. She has just begun submitting some of her poetry and has been fortunate to have pieces accepted by Edison Literary Review,US 1, A Kind of Hurricane, Jellyfish Whispers, Camel Saloon, Long Story Short and past issues of Mused. Currently she is also working on a children´s picture book. |
| Dibyendu Ghosal
Dibyendu Ghosal submitted the work The Melpaso and The Baby. |
| Carol Harada
Carol Harada submitted the work Hula Widows and Mountain Story. |
| Larry T. Hollist
Larry T. Hollist submitted the work Dadaab, City of Thorns. |
| Brian Horner
Brian Horner submitted the work Late Night Concert at the Double Door. |
| Betsy Jenifer
Betsy Jenifer submitted the work December Dews. |
| James Taylor
James Taylor submitted the work Valuable Advice (A Memoir). |
| Bob Marrone
Bob Marrone submitted the work The Splendid Show. |
| Ophelia Sikes
Ophelia Sikes finds that the more she travels, the more she realizes how much we are all alike. We have the same needs, dreams, heartaches, despairs, and hopes. She hopes her images share the beauty that lies all around us. Ophelia’s novels are at OpheliaSikes.com. |
| Barbara Taylor
Barbara Taylor submitted the work Purgatory. |
| Laughing Waters
Laughing Waters submitted the work Grapevine. |