Deb Bonam
I work mostly in acrylics and some mixed media. I often use paintings to express deep emotions that I cannot express verbally. |
Diane Cipollo
Diane Cipollo started as a traditional pen and ink artist in the greeting card industry and won third place in the Decorative Artist's Workbook 1998 Holiday Card Contest. She has always been fascinated by animated movies such as Disney's Fantasia and turned in her traditional pen and ink for digital pixels several years ago when digital art and animation software arrived on the scene. She has been with BellaOnline since 2003 as editor for the HTML, PHP, Flash and Digital Art and Design sections. |
Jeffrey Howard Cope
Jeff Cope is an artist and member of the Ohio Art League. |
Michelle Anne Cope
Michelle Cope is a freelance writer and illustrator. She is also the Pop Music and Children's Writing editor for BellaOnline.com. |
Janie Emaus
Janie Emaus has written several books for Parachute Press, the packager of The Goosebumps and Fear Street Series. Her short stories have appeared in Woman's World, True Confessions, Midnight Zoo, the Los Angeles Times Kids' Reading Room Page, Boomer Women Speak and Boomercafe. She is currently at work on a novel for baby boomers. She can be reached at Janieemaus@aol.com. |
Jill Florio
Jill Florio is frequently found wandering the desert with her digital camera, a bottle of water and a big sun hat. She also enjoys environmental portraiture. Her nature and journalistic prints were published in the Prescott Daily Courier, The Prescott Valley Tribune, Sweat Magazine, Flagstaff Live, Mountain Living Magazine, the Big Bug News and Chino Valley Reporter. |
Heather A. Goodman
Heather is a writer and speaker with a secret desire to be a Broadway star. She has a habit of randomly breaking into song and dance. She lives with her husband and three fish. Well, until the three fish died. You can find her at www.heatheragoodman.com. |
Alessandra Diridoni Grigsby
Prize winning author, Alessandra Diridoni Grigsby works for a large software manufacturer and writes contracts for a living. She spends her spare time writing short stories and poetry. Diridoni Grigsby has traveled well beyond her California home, pressing into memory people, places and sights along her journies so that they might be enjoyed again and again in her writing. No event is without its merit and value as a great point to the story or a wonderful description in Diridoni Grigsby's cache of material. She and her husband enjoy their large family, including children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. She is a life-long resident of the San Francisco Bay Area. |
Leni Hester
Leni Hester is a mom, writer, scholar and witch living in Aurora, Colorado. |
Kristen Houghton
Kristen Houghton is an author, satirist, and Relationship Writer whose work appears in numerous online and print magazines and newspapers. She holds a M.F.A. in writing and a doctorate in linguistics. Kristen invites you to visit her professional writer's site, "Life and Other Fearless Adventures!" at: http://www.kristenhoughton.com. |
Kimberly A. Kenney
Kim Kenney is the author of three books with Arcadia Publishing, Canton: A Journey Through Time, Canton's West Lawn Cemetery, and Canton's Pioneers in Flight. She has also published an exhibition review in The Public Historian, the journal of the National Council for Public History. She serves as editor of the Museums website at BellaOnline.com, where she has authored several ebooks. The Association of Gravestone Studies recently awarded her the Oakley Certificate of Merit for her interpretive projects at West Lawn Cemetery. |
Jane Lebak
Jane Lebak is a freelance writer and novelist. Her second novel, "Seven Archangels: Annihilation" will be serialized in Mindflights Magazine during 2008 and available for sale beginning in January. For more information, visit http://archangels.janelebak.com. |
Wolf LittleBear
Wolf LittleBear is the author of the poem entitled Solstice which was featured in this issue of Mused, the BellaOnline Literary Review.
Darling Poor
Darling Poor, née Beatrice Graulau, is ¼ Huichol Indian and ¾ Puerto-Rican. She has an honors degree in English from San Diego State University and has loved and ridden horses since she was 11. She is author of the children’s novel, Song of the Wind Spirit, due for publication in 2007, and is editor of the horses site at BellaOnline, the second largest women’s site on the web. Her hobbies include the study of natural horsemanship, horseback riding, non-fiction reading and writing, history, and children’s literature. |
Connie Werner Reichert
Connie Werner Reichert is President of Write Side Up Copywriting & Publicity. The former radio and TV newscaster is a Master Web Copywriter and travel journalist. She may be reached at Connieis@pacbell.net or at 530.277.4560. Visit her new website at www.conniewreichert.com. |
Sheila Marie Sproule
Sheila Sproule grew up and was educated in Dublin, Ireland. She has recently retired from her administrative career to pursue her ambition of becoming a writer. She lives in London, Ontario, Canada with her husband and two wonderful daughters. |
Randa Talley
I work as a Flight Attendant for a major airline. I enjoy traveling all over the world. My passion is writing poetry and song lyrics. I play guitar and love to dabble in watercolor painting. I co-write with musicians in the US and Europe. I'm currently working with a team writing contemporary worship music. I live the solo artist life, residing near Music Row in Nashville, TN. I'm thankful to have successfully raised two talented musicians, my son and daughter. I network with other musicians/writers/friends via www.myspace.com/goodsongwriter and would love to have you stop by and say hello. |
Kimberly Tilghman
Kimberly Tilghman lives in Eden, Maryland near on the Eastern Shore. She has two beautiful children and a loving husband who she shares her life with. Writing has always been her passion and it lends her strength of spirit and a venue to sort out life's challenges. She thanks you for the opportunity to share a piece of her world with you. |
Bethany E. Zick
Bethany Zick currently resides in Colorado. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Kentucky in 2007, where she had a double major in Physical Geography & Spanish. She also spent a semester in Santiago, Dominican Republic. She enjoys traveling, the outdoors, exploring, rugby, art, and anything that keeps her active. Also, she is currently taking on snowboarding and rock climbing for the first time and loving both very much. |